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Reference Documents - Letters

Letter from Denys Teare DT-01

Letter written by Denys Teare which gives a good explanation of his early RAF training, how the crew met and their first mission together

Letter from Denys Teare DT-04

Letter written by Denys Teare explaining the "WINDOW" certificate and mission

Letter from Denys Teare DT-02

Letter written by Denys Teare explaining the photograph of the crew sitting on the bomb

Letter from Denys Teare DT-03

Letter written by Denys Teare .....

Letter from Eric Dickson ED-01
Letter from Eric Dickson ED-02

Letter written by Eric Dickson detailing boys looking at the wreckage and quotes about Bob Cant

Letter written by Eric Dickson detailing the frontier, horse and cart

Letter from Eric Dickson ED-03

Letter written by Eric Dickson detailing escape kit, frontier and Switzerland

Letter by Eric Dickson ED-04
Letter from Eric Dickson ED-05

Summer Evening a personal account from Eric Dickson of the crews flight on the 30th August 1943 (I think).  This is a great insight into the daily activities of the crew and what was involved in a typical operation.

Letter written by Eric Dickson detailing boy who visited the plane

Letter from Eric Dickson ED-06
Letter from Eric Dickson ED-07
Letter from Eric Dickson ED-08

Summer evening covering letter from Eric Dickson

Letter from Eric Dickson with limited information

Letter from Eric Dickson with good information on frontier and Switzerland

Letter from Eric Dickson ED-09

Letter from Eric Dickson detailing French translation of resistance information

Letter from Eric Dickson ED-12

Letter by Eric Dickson detailing low level operations

Letter from Eric Dickson ED-10
Letter from Eric Dickson ED-11

French documents detailed in ED-09

Letter by Eric Dickson for Bob Cant's funeral

Letter by Phil Howard  PH-01

Letter by Phil Howard detailing the story of Bob Parkinson and Sydney Horton's escape

Letter by Rob Wilock RW-01

Letter by Rob Wilock detailing the story of Bob Parkinson and Sydney Horton's escape

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