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Reference Documents - Documents

Pilot training certificate

This is the Pilot Training certificate from the Army Air force Advanced Flying school.  Dated 5th August 1942.

RAF Elsham Wolds operation log June

RAF form 540 detailing 103 squadron operations for June 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds operation log July

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron operation log for July 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds crew log June

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron crew log for June 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds operation log June

RAF form 540 detailing 103 squadron operations for June 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds crew log July

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron crew log for July 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds operation log August

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron operation log for August 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds crew log August

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron crew log for August 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds operation log August

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron operation log for August 1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds crew log September

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron crew log for September1943.

RAF Elsham Wolds operation log September

RAF form 541 detailing 103 squadron operation log for September 1943.

POW papers

This is the POW papers summarising the events of the 5th September 1943 to 16th September 1943 when Bob was arrested after crossing the Swiss frontier

Emergency Certificate

This is the Emergency Certificate issued to Bob Cant on the 14th October 1943 after being arrested crossing the Swiss frontier

Christmas menu from Hotel Gentiana

Menu from the "Mr Wilidi's concentration camp" Christmas menu at the Hotel Gentiana in Arosa Switzerland

Burma Star Medal certificate

Burma Star Medal certificate 11 Jan 1946

Card of good service certificate

Card of good service certificate 15th May 1946

Certificate of discharge

Certificate of discharge 22nd Jan 1952

RAF discharge letter

RAF discharge to RAF Volunteer Reserves 6th Feb 1952

Application of resignation letter 

Application of resignation 11th March 1957

RAF Volunteer Reserve resignation request letter

Letter requesting permission to resign from RAF Volunteer Reserve 15th March 1957

RAF Volunteer Reserve resignation confirmation letter

Letter confirming resignation from the RAF Volunteer Reserve 21st March 1957

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